What We Do

Projects we are involved in

Workshops for kids

We organize journalism, content creating and writing workshops for children and teenagers from Polish Clubs and Saturday Schools in the UK.

Tourism promotion

We promote Liverpool’s tourist attractions in Polish Traveler’s Club and at international conferences. Photo: Sergiusz with the Polish Minister of Tourism.

Cultural events

We organize musical and literary events that promote culture within the local community, such as first Polish Community in Liverpool’s Burns Night.

Health promotion

We organize regular Winter Swimming Club meetings, which help integrate the community and promote sports and health.

Sport for kids

We promote a healthy lifestyle and activity among children and teenagers by preparing and motivating them for running events.


Sergiusz graduated from the Academy of Music in Warsaw, so he successfully organizes and plays classical music concerts.


Every year we have the great honour to be the hosts of the Charitable Gala Concert of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity in Liverpool.

Intercultural events

We take part as performers in the Dragon Dance in the Chinese New Year celebrations in Liverpool and Chester.

Help the homeless

We organize actions to help the homeless, where supervised children make sandwiches and then distribute them to those in need.

Polish media

Thanks to journalistic experience, we can explain British issues and the situation of emigrants in the UK to the media in Poland.

Helping Ukraine

Magda studied Ukrainian studies, thanks to what we can support refugees from the war in the Ukraine with language assistance and translations – like with this interviews for local newspaper.

Author meetings

As part of the promotion of reading and literature among the Polish community, we organize author meetings with Polish writers.

Support our activities for the local community